Saturday, January 2, 2016

Whole30 Day 1 - So What's The Big Deal?

Happy New Year!  Here’s hoping that you don’t have a hangover this morning, otherwise, you are in for a world of hurting the next few days! I tried to be conservative last night, knowing that I was NOT going to be able to have my usual hangover cure of toasted bagel slathered in butter with a runny egg …

I am thankful that it’s Friday because that gives me the next 2 days to prep like a crazy woman for the week ahead. Seriously, you will need to be doing a SOME food prep ahead of time if you hope to succeed for the next 30 31 days. 

PREP, as in, cook extra protein, wash and chop your veggies, make up a few lunches NOW if you are not home during lunch, make some dressings, boil some eggs. You get the drift, now, right?

Go ahead, make yourself some awesome salad dressings a batch of mayo too while you are at it! You won't be sorry!

Here’s what I’m looking at for food today:

M1 - coffee with a scoop of coconut milk, reheated green beans with 2 runny eggs over the top. The coffee was ehh, the beans and eggs were good but what I would have really liked is some sausage, but I forgot to take some out of the freezer yesterday.

M2 - ended up eating more green beans and a little bit of turkey leftover. Also had a honey crisp apple

M3 - strange evening. We were all tired from the festivities on Thursday so it was pretty much fend for yourself. I ate the rest of the veggie tray using some of the Tessemae's ranch dressing that came in my box a few weeks ago. It was ok. Honestly, this was NOT a well planned day!

I did the following meal prep today:  NOTHING. At all.

Notes: The coffee gave me a touch of heartburn BUT then again, it could be that slight hangover feeling/tired/lack of sleep/I danced hard last night feeling?  I ended up having to run out and find a pharmacy open for my dad as he was released from rehab with a new insulin and the facility had to have that specific type so all over town I ran, finally settled at Target. Also picked up some produce items while there (avocados, jalapenos, roma tomatoes).

Tip: Uhm, prepare. I'm the preacher and apparently I need to preach to the mirror!

Looking forward to sharing with some of these GREAT Parties ... go check them out!

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