Sunday, August 28, 2016

September 2016 Whole30

I should have labeled this post as Why I Am Doing a September Whole30 ... because that's really what this post is all about!


There's actually several reasons, and chances are, if you are here on this little ole blog, you are probably considering doing one yourself, or maybe you are in the midst of a round and just came for some recipes ...

Everyone does the program for different reasons. Some, to lose weight. Others, to figure out what the heck triggers certain things in their body. And yet, others, they do it, just because everyone else around them is doing it.

Whatever your reason may be, let's all just come to agreement on ONE thing. Just one thing!

It's HARD!

Yes, I don't care what ANYONE tells you ... it's stinkin hard. It's particularly more difficult when you are the only one in your household who is doing the program ...

Why is it hard? Well, for starters, you skip out on all sugars (surprise, that is in like 90% of prepared foods), ditch the grains (yup, bye bye corn), legumes (no more black beans OR rice) and that dairy stuff is out the door too (pizza? not happening!). And don't even think about happy hour ... so long beer and margaritas, and wine, and bourbon, vodka, rum ... so at the end of the day, you ask yourself, just what the hell can you eat then?

Veggies. Proteins. Fruits. LaCroix Sparkling Water ...


Which sadly, a lot of us have forgotten what that really is, and how it really taste!

I've had a few attempts/false starts/fake endings trying to do this in the past. This time, however, I'm confident that I can do a Whole30 for the duration!  Because, you know what, I'm tired of feeling like crap and I know, for the most part, it's food related.  I eat fairly healthy 80% of the time. That other 20% though? Not so much (I love beer, booze, chips, dip, pizza, etc.) and I can certainly tell when I've eaten certain things!  I also believe that the inflammation I have in my hand and wrist is starting to spread to the knees, feet and shoulders/neck area and that has me concerned as there are days where it's hard to use my hands for much more than a cupped palm. Not exactly how I want to be feeling at 52 years of age!

So ... here you go, my REAL reasons I'm doing this ...

1.  Hopefully tame down the inflammation/swelling I'm dealing with lately. I do know when I've consumed a lot of alcohol, I generally have a pretty severe flare up within 24 hours ...

2.  Let's be honest, it would be nice to lose a little of the fluffiness/muffintop stuff going on ... so yeah, to lose a few pounds if possible

3.  To maybe re-evaluate my habits and deal with stress a little better. I'm the one that grabs a beer within minutes of changing clothes after work. A beer or two wouldn't be so very bad but usually, it's 3 or 4 which is not so very good which either ends with a plate of nachos or no dinner at all

4.  To ignite a little more excitement in food and cooking. Honestly, the Whole30 does take a lot of time in the kitchen with prep work BUT I'm ok with that (so I say at this very minute!) and I love that something so simple taste so good after your mind gets over the fact that it's not salty/sweet/bad for you!

5.  Sinus issues. Probably too much information and actually, may have something to do with the so-called suspect lupus diagnosis that I scoffed at years ago.  See, my nose is constantly wet. NOT MOIST, but actually wet and then I get these raw spots that burn ... and sometimes I think it smells funky. Hubby says it doesn't and I've asked several close friends to be frank with me as well. They all say no but I smell it and it drives me batty. Could be anything but I do know that it seems to flare up at times for unknown reasons. Food/Booze related? Potentially ... and I want to find out!

6.  Attitude adjustment. I'm sure if I feel better physically, look a little better as well (thanks to the fluffy stuff going bye bye) I'll have a better attitude. You think?

7.  To see if it really does do anything more for my skin and hair. I've got great skin and hair, but just really dry. Probably because I don't drink anywhere near enough water during the day, which I'm well aware of but I've found when I'm eating healthier (aka Whole30 style) I do drink more water because I'm making such conscious decisions all around!

So, there you have it!  Absolutely starting September 5th which is kind of cool in that I can at least have Saturday and Sunday for Labor Day ... but I am also slowly moving in to the mindset this week (August 29th) so that come that Monday morning, it won't be such a shock.

Are you doing a September Whole30?

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